This training supplies the tools needed to describe and apply the workflow for dynamic analysis in FLAC3D, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of each step involved, including model setup, boundary conditions, input signal application, and damping, to effectively analyze dynamic behavior in geotechnical simulations.
The Core Values of a company are the essential and enduring tenets of the organization articulated as a succinct list. Core values are what we stand for. Core values are a small set of timeless guiding principles taken to heart by the members and leadership of the organization. Core values require no external justification; they have intrinsic value and importance to those inside the organization. Note that a company may have operating practices and business strategies around certain qualities, without having them at the essence of their being. Companies that are successful have core values that remain fixed while their business strategies and practices may change to adapt to market conditions.
Vision provides guidance about what core to preserve and what future to stimulate progress toward.
Itasca is guided by the following strong core values.
Uncompromising attention to quality - We hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality in our products, services and professional interactions. We recognize that quality stems from attention to detail coupled with honesty, fairness and transparency. We thus provide comprehensive depictions of underlying procedures and algorithms in our software and reports. Our focus on quality results in the highest level of service and support to our clients. Quantity related objectives will always remain subsidiary to the paramount goal of quality.
Passion for learning and innovation - We specialize in addressing complex engineering problems from first principles. We bring passion to our work. We are inquisitive. We enjoy learning and addressing unsolved problems based on a deep and sound understanding of the controlling mechanisms. Innovation keeps us at the cutting-edge of science and technology.
Shared responsibility for our business - Itasca is committed to remaining an employee-owned company that identifies its employees as the essential component in the value it offers clients. As employees and owners, we share in the responsibility of taking the initiative to drive our company into the future. We do this through employee development and growth, through responsiveness to and promotion of employee talents and capabilities, and through providing an open, collegial and productive working atmosphere to ensure that each employee’s voice can be heard.
Through Itasca’s commitment to our clients and employees we aim to build a group of technical experts that are unparalleled in the world and that work as a team across borders, cultures and disciplines. Our goal is to make the name Itasca synonymous with technical excellence in Earth Engineering: when a client has a difficult problem to solve in this area, the first name they think of is Itasca. Through our research, expertise and leadership, we will improve the state of practice in our field by transferring sophisticated developments into full effective practical use.
Itasca strives to deliver functional, actionable, and long-term sustainable solutions from an environmental and societal perspective. A good working procedure satisfies both technical aspects and the environmental demands of the client and all stakeholders with consideration to long-term sustainable social development. This means consideration of the surrounding environment during both execution and operation of a proposed solution, but also the influences on local society, working environment, and social interaction. Within projects, Itasca internally works for sustainable resource utilization through efficient travel, virtual meetings, and electronic document management. We always consider alternatives that minimize environmental impact in our work with clients. This includes both actions on our sides (e.g., travel alternatives) and on the client side (different choice of methods and/or technologies that may reduce environmental impact). Itasca also follows "The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact", concerning human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.