Itasca Denver, Inc.

Briana Greer

Principal Geochemist

U.S. Denver
Itasca Denver, Inc.

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Areas of Expertise

Numerical Modeling

Consulting Services


Briana Greer

Principal Geochemist

Ms. Greer specializes in mining- and metal-related water quality issues. Her early work consisted of water quality and geochemical modeling in support of permitting, litigation, remediation, and treatment cost estimates. Her technical experience includes working with a wide variety of geochemical- and industry-related software, including PHREEQC, Geochemist’s Workbench, Vulcan, LeapFrog, and GoldSim, as well as Access, SQL, and PostGres databases. She has directed the development (with the help of programmers and data scientists) of several in-house pit lake and waste rock water quality modeling routines. A natural broadening of roles from technical to general has provided the opportunity to work with watershed groups, speak in front of regulatory bodies, participate in water quality rulemaking, comment on the federal register, and interact with land agencies on policy development. Ms. Greer applies her technical expertise to facilitate sound environmental design basis, leverage natural processes for liability reduction, and resolve environmental conflict.


Graduate Studies (Geochemistry), 2005
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA

B.S. (Chemistry, minor in Geology), 1997
Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, USA

Professional Memberships

Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

SME Environmental Div. Scholarship Chair 2017–2019

SME Environmental Div. Research Committee Representative 2015–2017

U.S. Denver
Itasca Denver, Inc.