Null model
A null material model can be assigned to zones to represent material that is removed or excavated (holes, excavations, regions in which material will be added at later stage). This is more advantageous than deleting zones because zone materials can be changed later (for instance, to represent backfill in a construction stage).
Elastic, isotropic model
The elastic, isotropic model provides the simplest representation of material behavior. This model is valid for homogeneous, isotropic, continuous materials that exhibit linear stress-strain behavior with no hysteresis on unloading (manufactured materials such as steel, for instance, loaded below strength limit; factor-of-safety calculation).
Elastic, transversely isotropic model
The elastic, transversely isotropic model gives the ability to simulate layered elastic media in which there are distinctly different elastic moduli in directions normal and parallel to the layers (laminated materials loaded below strength limit).
Drucker-Prager model
The Drucker-Prager plasticity model may be useful to model soft clays with low friction angles. However, this model is not generally recommended for application to geologic materials. It is included here mainly to permit comparison with other numerical program results (implicit finite-element).
Mohr-Coulomb model
The Mohr-Coulomb model is the conventional model used to represent shear failure in soils and rocks. Vermeer and deBorst (1984), for example, report laboratory test results for sand and concrete that match well with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Example applications: general soil or rock mechanics for slope stability and underground excavation general soil or rock mechanics.
Ubiquitous-joint model
The ubiquitous-joint model is an anisotropic plasticity model that includes weak planes of specific orientation embedded in a Mohr-Coulomb solid (excavation in closely bedded strata).
Caniso model
The Caniso model combines the logic
of an elastic, transversely isotropic (anisotropic) model with that of
the ubiquitous joint model. The model has a single orientation of
weakness, which matches the orientation of the plane of elastic
isotropy, and the criterion for failure is a local Mohr-Coulomb yield
criterion. The model can be useful in simulation of the behavior of
layered (laminated) materials.
Strain-hardening/softening model
strain-hardening/softening model allows representation of nonlinear
material softening and hardening behavior based on prescribed variations
of the Mohr-Coulomb model properties (cohesion, friction, dilation,
tensile strength) as functions of the deviatoric plastic strain (studies
in post-failure (e.g., progressive collapse, yielding pillar, caving)).
Bilinear strain-hardening/softening ubiquitous-joint model
bilinear strain-hardening/softening ubiquitous-joint model allows
representation of material softening and hardening behavior for the
matrix and the weak plane based on prescribed variations of the
ubiquitous-joint model properties (cohesion, friction, dilation and
tensile strength) as functions of deviatoric and tensile plastic strain.
The variation of material strength properties with mean stress can also
be taken into account by using the bilinear option (studies in
post-failure of laminated materials).
Double-yield model
The double-yield model is
intended to represent materials in which there may be significant
irreversible compaction in addition to shear yielding, such as
hydraulically placed backfill or lightly cemented granular material
(hydraulically placed backfill).
Modified Cam-clay model
modified Cam-clay model may be used to represent materials when the
influence of volume change on bulk property and resistance to shear need
to be taken into consideration, as in the case of soft clay
(geotechnical construction on clay).
Hoek-Brown model
Hoek-Brown failure criterion characterizes the stress conditions that
lead to failure in intact rock and rock masses. The failure surface is
nonlinear, and is based on the relation between the major and minor
principal stresses. The model incorporates a plasticity flow rule that
varies as a function of the confining stress level (geotechnical
construction in rock mass).
Modified Hoek-Brown model
A modified Hoek-Brown
model (the mhoek model) provides an alternative to the Hoek-Brown model
with a stress-dependent plastic flow rule, described above. The modified
model characterizes post-failure plastic flow by simple flow rule
choices given in terms of a user-specified dilation angle. This model
also contains a tensile strength limit similar to that used by the
Mohr-Coulomb model. In addition, a factor-of-safety calculation based on
the shear-strength reduction method can be run with the modified
Hoek-Brown model (factor-of-safety calculations in rock mass).
Cysoil model
cap-yield (Cy)soil model provides a comprehensive representation of the
nonlinear behavior of soils. The model includes frictional
strain-hardening and softening shear behavior, an elliptic volumetric
cap with strain-hardening behavior, and an elastic modulus function of
plastic volumetric strain. The model allows a more realistic
representation of the loading/unloading response of soils (geotechnical
construction in soft soils).
Simplified Cysoil model
simplified version of the Cysoil model, called the Chsoil model, offers
built-in features including a friction-hardening law that uses
hyperbolic model parameters as direct input, and a Mohr-Coulomb failure
envelope with two built-in dilation laws (alternative to Duncan and
Chang model).
Plastic Hardening model
The Plastic Hardening
(PH) model is a shear and volumetric hardening constitutive model for
the simulation of soil behavior. The model is characterized by a
hyperbolic stress-strain relationship during axial drained compression
(while unlodaing/reloading is elastic) and stress-dependent stiffness
described by a power law. It also includes shear and volumetric
hardening laws and adopts Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The model is
straightforward to calibrate using either conventional lab or in situ
tests. It is well established for soil structure interaction problems,
excavations, tunneling and settlements analysis, etc. (geotechnical
construction in soils).
The option of small-strain stiffness
is added to the Plastic-Hardening model to take strain-dependency of
the modulus into account. With the small-strain formulation soil
stiffness behaves nonlinearly with increasing strains. UPDATED
Swell model
swell model is based on the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model with
nonassociated shear and associated tension flow rules. It accounts for
wetting induced deformations by means of coupling wetting strains with
the model state prior to wetting (geotechnical construction in expansive
NorSand model
The NorSand (Jefferies 1993, Jefferies and Been 2015)
constitutive model is a critical state model applicable to soils in
which particle-to-particle interactions are controlled by contact forces
and slips rather than bonds, intrinsically incorporating the state
parameter so that it captures the behavior of granular soils over a wide
range of confining stresses and densities. NorSand requires relatively
few (and familiar) soil properties that can be estimated from routine
laboratory or in-situ tests (e.g., CPT data). The model is
frequently applied to tailings dam analysis. NEW
Soft-soil model
soils generally refer to normally consolidated or slightly
over-consolidated clays, silty-clays, clayey silts, and peats.
Significant compression is one of the main engineering characteristics
of soft soils. The soft-soil (SS) model has the following features: (a)
pressure-dependent moduli; (b) unloading-reloading distinct from the
virgin loading; (c) expansion of the volumetric yield ellipse-shaped
cap; and (d) conventional Mohr-Coulomb shear failure and tension failure criteria. NEW
This FLAC option can be used to simulate the behavior of materials that exhibit creep (i.e., time-dependent material behavior). There are nine creep material models available with this option.
- Classical viscoelastic model;
- Two-component power law;
- Reference creep formulation (the WIPP model) for nuclear-waste isolation studies;
- Burgers-creep viscoplastic model combining the Burgers-creep model and the Mohr-Coulomb model;
- Power-law viscoplastic model combining the two-component power law and the Mohr-Coulomb model;
- Power-law viscoplastic model combining the preceding model (5) with ubiquitous joints logic;
- WIPP-creep viscoplastic model combining the WIPP model and the Drucker-Prager model;
- Crushed-salt constitutive model; and
- Soft-Soil-Creep model takes time-dependence into account so that the volumetric cap expands to a new position within a specific time (called reference time in the model) instead of instantaneously as in the Soft-Soil model. NEW
The dynamic analysis option permits two-dimensional, plane-strain,
plane-stress or axisymmetric, fully dynamic analysis with FLAC. This
option includes the Finn constitutive model for dynamic pore
pressure-generation. This model includes both the Martin, Finn, and Seed
formulation and the simpler Byrne formulation.
The standard NorSand model can be used under static, dynamic, and liquefaction simulations. This model explicitly captures the full range of soil behavior, from static liquefaction of very loose soils to dilation of very dense soils. It is suitable for simulating the typical brittle collapse (i.e., flow liquefaction) of a soil structure being over-surcharged, slope-steepened, or sudden rising of pore-pressure.
UBCSAND is available as a User-Defined constitutive Model (UDM). UBCSAND is an effective stress plasticity model for use in advanced stress‐deformation analyses of geotechnical structures. The model was developed primarily for sand‐like soils having the potential for liquefaction under seismic loading (e.g., sands and silty sands with a relative density less than about 80%). The model predicts the shear stress-strain behavior of the soil using an assumed hyperbolic relationship, and estimates the associated volumetric response of the soil skeleton using a flow rule that is a function of the current stress ratio. The model can be used in a fully‐coupled fashion where the mechanical and groundwater flow calculations are performed simultaneously. The UBCSAND UDM can be downloaded at no cost from Itasca's UDM Library. The C++ User Defined Constitutive Model Option is required.